At 01:23:40 on 26th April 1986, a huge explosion literally blew the lid off reactor number 4 and with it, spewed out tonnes of radioactive material as far away as the UK and Ireland. Forty seconds prior to the explosion an experiment to test safety devices within the reactor had been initiated. Although the subsequent inquiry apportioned blame as 'operator error', the accident happened due to a combination of events converging with deadly effect. In a nutshell, the night crew were to perform a safety test but weren't really trained for the job as it had been kind of thrust upon them. A little like asking your butcher if he'll give you a haircut. Certain important safety devices were switched off, the design of the reactor was flawed and the result was an intense build up of thermal heat inside the reactor. The raging graphite fire was almost impossible to extinguish, but when it was, a hastily constructed sarcophagus was built around the reactor.